Tickets for Feb Half Term Experiences now on sale
We are open daily from 10.00am

Onsite workshops title banner with photographs of onsite sessions being delivered by Museum staff

Our workshop prices are as follows:
  • 30 minute workshops (£45.00)
  • 60 minute workshops (£75.00)
  • 60+ minute workshops (£100)
Please enquire about any bespoke offers.

On-site workshops are available on a first come, first served basis. To enquire, please use our online booking form. Please state if you have any additional needs or if you require us to adapt a workshop to suit topics. 

For more information on each of our sessions including national curriculum links and prices, click the workshop titles below!
All of our workshops also contribute to the four purposes of the new Welsh curriculum which aim to make students:
  • ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
  • enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
  • ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
  • healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society

Our history workshops also explore entities, landscapes and histories that come together to form the students cynefin. If you are a Welsh school and would like to discuss our workshops, please email us at

Year group - Year 5 to Year 9

Activity type: Led by Museum staff

Duration: Approximately 1.5 hour per workshop

Cost: £100.00

Using Lego SPIKE Prime kits, students are tasked with designing and building a Rover to traverse a map of Mars, carrying out Rover related tasks. Students will be working in small teams to engineer a Mars Rover, and code it to carry out a variety of tasks that an exploratory rover would have to do.

Students will develop their coding skills, alongside teamwork skills and the importance of perseverance when initial concepts do not work.

A brief understanding of coding is recommended, but not necessary.

Year group - Year 3 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff

Duration: Approximately 1.5 hours per workshop

Cost: £100.00

Bookings are now open for our exciting new workshop which launches in the Summer term. 

During this interactive workshop students will build and code a SPIKE™ Prime robot, learning through play and exploring the concepts of science, engineering and physics in action.

They will learn the basics of coding alongside teamwork skills and the importance of perseverance when initial concepts do not work.

Year group - Year 2 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff

Duration: Approximately 1 hour per workshop

Cost: £75.00

Explore the surface of Mars in our interactive VEX123 Coding workshop! Traverse the landscape, collecting samples and delivering them to different sensors across the planet's surface.

Our VEX123 Coding workshop can be adapted to the group and includes different elements of coding, from simple push buttons to using a magnetic code reader.

The VEX Robots can move, light up, make sounds and sense objects - features that can all be initiated via coding.

Students will use coding methods to navigate VEX123 robots across a VEX board, which is divided into a grid to help with coding and navigation. They will apply problem solving and mathematics when coding their robot around the VEX grid using calculations, including addition and subtraction to co-ordinate distances and ensure that their robot can reach its goal!

Year Group - Year 4 to Year 9

Activity type: Led by Museum staff

Duration: A full day from 10am-2pm

Cost: Prices start at £250 for one class. Enquire for more details.

Please note - we can host a maximum of 120 students for a STEM day.

Students will take part in three different activities, including Rockets, Rover Repair and a STEM Day exclusive - Asteroid Field with Spheros. Students will build a rocket and fire it across the Hangar, build an air drop system to successfully and safely deliver a package to a planetary surface, and engineer a system to keep their Sphero spaceship safe from asteroids, whilst simultaneously coding their Sphero around an enclosed space.

  • Practical hands-on session
  • Real testing of students' work
  • Student enquiry
  • Team work activities
  • Multi-sensory experience - students work within our hangar space
  • Exploring multiple aspects of STEM

National Curriculum links:

  •       KS2- Working scientifically; forces; select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities, controlling or simulating physical systems, use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly
  •       KS3 - Working scientifically; motion and forces; develop specifications to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products
    that respond to needs in a variety of situations; select from and use a wider, more complex range of materials, components and ingredients, taking into account their properties

Year group - Year 5 to Year 12

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 1 hour per workshop
Cost:  £75.00

Focussing on all aspects of STEM, students will experiment with construction design and engineering principles to create a cargo delivery system to safely land a device onto the surface of Mars. Students will benefit from developing soft skills and have the opportunity to work in teams.

During the workshop, students will have the opportunity to work with a variety of resources, designing and building a cargo delivery system and launching it safely. Students will evaluate their design and make changes throughout the workshop, learning about the suitability of materials. Each team will be given a "budget" in which to buy materials to build their system - teams must present their budget at the end to ensure they haven't overspent.  The session concludes with a mini-competition.

  •       Practical hands-on session
  •       Real testing of students' work
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Team work activities
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students work within our hangar space
  •       Exploring multiple aspects of STEM

National Curriculum links:

  •       KS2- Working scientifically; forces; select from and use a wider range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their functional properties and aesthetic qualities
  •       KS3 - Working scientifically; motion and forces; develop specifications to inform the design of innovative, functional, appealing products
    that respond to needs in a variety of situations; select from and use a wider, more complex range of materials, components and ingredients, taking into account their properties

Year group - Year 1 to Year 12

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 1 hour per workshop
Cost:  £75.00

Focussing on the science of forces and motion, students will investigate how wing design can affect the flight of a rocket. Students will benefit from developing soft skills and have the opportunity to work in teams - usually pairs.

During the workshop, students will have the opportunity of working with a variety of resources, designing and building a rocket and launching it safely. Students will evaluate their design and make changes throughout the workshop. The session concludes with a mini-competition.

  •       Practical hands-on session
  •       Real testing of students' work
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Team work activities
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students work within our hangar space

National Curriculum links:

  •       KS1- Working scientifically
  •       KS2- Working scientifically & Forces
  •       KS3 - Working scientifically & Motion and Forces

Year group - Year 5 to Year 11

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 1 hour per workshop
Cost:  £75

Focussing on the science of forces and motion, students will investigate how forces act upon a vehicle. Students will benefit from developing soft skills and have the opportunity to work in teams.

During the workshop, students will have the opportunity of working with a variety of resources, designing and building a rocket car out of k'nex and launching it safely. Students will evaluate their design and make changes throughout the workshop. The session concludes with a mini-competition.

  •       Practical hands-on session
  •       Real testing of students' work
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Team work activities
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students work within our hangar space

National Curriculum links:

  •       KS2 - Working scientifically & Forces
  •       KS3 - Working scientifically & Motion and Forces
  •       KS4 - Working scientifically

Year Group – Reception to Year 4

Activity type: Led by museum staff
Duration: Approximately 1 hour per workshop
Cost: £75.00

During this interactive workshop, students gain an understanding of the forces that impact on a parachute whilst investigating the suitability of a variety of materials. Students will test their predictions and explore why fair testing is important. Students will also make a paper helicopter, and see how forces affect its flight. This workshop supports the understanding of the physical properties of materials. 

  • Practical hands-on session
  • Real testing of students' work
  • Student enquiry
  • Multi-sensory experience - students work within our hangar space and with a variety of materials

National Curriculum links: 

KS1 - Working scientifically

Year group - Year 1 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 30 minutes
Cost:  £45.00

This workshop focuses on an aspect of British history that extends pupils' chronological knowledge - the First World War. Learners discover the role of the fighter pilot whilst surrounded by First World War aircraft and uncover aspects of military life in 1914. Pupils will use a range of sources and museum artefacts, including original RAF uniform, to develop their depth of knowledge and inspire curiosity. This workshop will help students to understand the importance of the First World War as a key turning point in history.

  •       Viewing original artefacts
  •       Viewing original RAF uniform
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students will learn in our exhibition spaces
  •       Telling the story of the RAF

National Curriculum links:
KS1 - significant historical events, changes within living memory.

KS2 - an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Year Group - Year 1 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 30 minutes
Cost:  £45.00

Students will gain an understanding of the advancement of flight technology through time. They will gain a further understanding of the evolution of the Royal Air Force and the impact of war on technological development. Pupils will view a range of original RAF uniform to develop their knowledge of changing technology in aerial warfare, from First World War through to current day. 

  •       Viewing original artefacts
  •       Viewing original RAF uniform
  •       Multi-sensory experience 
  •       Telling the story of the RAF throughout history

National Curriculum links:

KS1 - significant historical events, changes within living memory. 
KS2 - an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Year group - Year 3 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 1 hour
Cost:  £75.00

This workshop focuses on an aspect of British history that extends pupils' chronological knowledge - the Battle of Britain. Learners discover the role of the fighter pilot, learn about the Dowding System & RADAR, and uncover aspects of civilian life in 1940. Pupils will use a range of sources and museum artefacts, including original RAF uniform, to develop their depth of knowledge and inspire curiosity. This workshop will help students to understand the importance of the Battle of Britain as a key turning point in history. Please be aware that this activity is PowerPoint led in order to show students the Dowding System.

  •       Viewing original artefacts
  •       Viewing original RAF uniform
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students will experience a mock air raid
  •       Telling the story of the RAF

National Curriculum links:
KS1 - significant historical events, changes within living memory.

KS2 - an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Year group - Year 3 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 1 hour
Cost:  £75.00

This workshop focuses on an aspect of British history that extends pupils' chronological knowledge - the Blitz and life on the Home Front. Learners gain an understanding of life for children during the Second World War by discovering the role of the ARP warden, experiencing a mock air raid, and much more. Pupils will use a range of sources and museum artefacts, including original RAF uniform, to develop their depth of knowledge and inspire curiosity. This experience of life led in the shadow of the Blitz will help pupils understand some of the complexities of life in Britain during this time.

  •       Viewing original artefacts
  •       Viewing original RAF uniform
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students will experience a mock air raid
  •       Telling the story of the RAF and civilians during the Blitz

National Curriculum links:

  • KS1 - significant historical events, changes within living memory.
  • KS2- an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

It is not recommended to book Battle of Britain and Spirit of the Blitz together due to repetition of content.

Year group: Year 3 to Year 6
Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration: Approximately 1 hour
Cost: £75.00

Held in our hangar spaces alongside iconic Second World War aircraft, this engaging workshop invites students to embark on a journey of discovery. Working in teams, they will locate a suitcase containing objects that relate to a specific aircraft in the hangar, and the story of someone with a personal connection to it. Using the resources provided, students will learn about the life of their assigned person, developing a dramatised retelling of their story, brought to life with artefacts and props.

Blending history, English, and drama, this workshop encourages students to use real historical events as inspiration for their own creative work. They will enhance their communication skills by narrating and performing the story to their peers, making history come alive through expressive storytelling. The process will help students build confidence as performers, whilst prompting them to think creatively about their presentation and delivery.

This multi-sensory experience aids enquiry, collaboration, and an appreciation for the real stories of servicemen and women during the Second World War.

  • Teamwork and collaboration
  • Student enquiry
  • Viewing original artefacts
  • Storytelling and performance
  • Multi-sensory experience
  • Exploring personal histories of servicemen and women during the Second World War

National Curriculum links:

KS1 - significant historical events, changes within living memory.
KS2 - an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils' chronological knowledge beyond 1066.
Lower KS2 - preparing play scripts to read aloud and perform, showing understanding through intonation, tone, volume, and action.
Upper KS2 - performing their own compositions, using appropriate intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is clear.

Year Group - Year 3 to Year 6

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 30 minutes
Cost:  £45.00

Pupils will use a range of original RAF uniform, artefacts and flying equipment to develop their knowledge of changing technology throughout the Second World War. This interactive workshop allows students to view range of artefacts from the era, gaining an understanding of the impact of war on technological development and life on  the home front. 

  •       Viewing original artefacts
  •       Viewing original RAF uniform
  •       Student enquiry
  •       Multi-sensory experience - students will view artefacts in our Second World War Hut
  •       Telling the story of the RAF and civilians during the Second World War

National Curriculum links:

KS2 - an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils chronological knowledge beyond 1066.

Year Group - Year 7 to Year 12

Activity type: Led by Museum staff
Duration:  Approximately 1 hour
Cost:  £75.00

In this interactive workshop, students will work in small teams to debate important topics of the Cold War. Students will be given a statement and an array of evidence – teams will pick a stance and present their findings to the rest of the class. This workshop encourages discussion surrounding some of the more complex issues that arise with the study of the Cold War period. Please be aware that this session requires teacher involvement to facilitate relevant debate and is only suitable for students who have already began learning about the Cold War period. 

  • Viewing original artefacts and archival material
  • Student enquiry
  • Multi-sensory experience - students can view artefacts and hotspots in the National Cold War Exhibition 

National Curriculum links:

KS3 - challenges for Britain, Europe and the wider world 1901 to the present day.