RAF Stories
If you have memories related to the Vulcan, we would love to hear from you!
The RAF Stories project has captured hundreds of memories from veterans, serving personnel and families. If you would like to add your experiences to our ever-growing sound archive, you can do so in one of two ways.
If you have a family story or a short anecdote, you can submit these through the RAF Stories app, available for download through the Apple App Store and Google Play.
If you have personal experiences of the Vulcan and would be happy to talk to us more in depth, you can arrange to visit one of our museum sites (Cosford or London) to have your full story recorded by one of our team. There is also an online interview option for those who cannot travel to the museum sites. Please contact: rafstories@rafmuseum.org
Visit www.rafstories.org to view our ever growing collection of recorded memories.
The RAF Museum’s Research Programme holds lectures that examine Air Power in its broadest sense encompassing not only the history of air warfare and the RAF, but also related fields such as archaeology, law and ethics, museology, international relations, and strategic studies. We have curated a selection of lectures that have taken place in the last few years or are coming up this year that tell the story Vulcans. Just click on the links below to either head to the live stream link to sign up, or watch the recording.
Coming up...
Falklands-82: A Year of Lessons for Militaries in 2022
On the 1 April George Runkle will discuss the Falklands conflict and the lessons that can be derived for forces in 2022. The talk will focus on the air war but it will be considered from a 'ground fighter's' perspective.
Past Lectures...
A Wasting Asset? The RAF’s Medium Bomber Force in the aftermath of the Nassau Agreement, 1962-1982
In February 2021 Clive Richard discussed the RAF’s Medium Bomber Force in the aftermath of the Nassau Agreement.
Britain’s V-force: the early years
In November 2020 Alan Jackson examined the background of the V-Force and the early years in Britain.