Category: Museum History Podcasts
Robbie Clarke (Resilience, KS2)
Robbie Clarke, a First World War aviator
To My Best Friend (Keeping in touch, KS1)
In this podcast, the writer who lives in 1940 imagines what the world will be like in 2021.
Rationing Newscast (Rationing, KS2)
Listen to a newscast about items that were rationed during the Second World War
Daphne Pearson (Bravery, KS2)
Specially created for Key Stage 2 students, listen to the inspiring and brave Second World War story of Daphne Pearson
The Bravest Person in the World (Bravery, KS1)
In this podcast we tell a short about bravery for Key Stage 1 Pupils
“Repeat Please!” Polacy w Bitwie o Anglie
Podczas toczacej sie “Bitwy o Anglie” polscy piloci wykazali sie niezlomna wola walki, zestrzelajac znaczaca ilosc nieprzyjacielskich samolotów w kulminacyjnym momencie Bitwy. Podkast przygotowany przez nasze Muzeum …
Hendon Air Displays and Pageants
This podcast recalls the thrills and spills of Hendon’s inter-war heyday, from the very first RAF Pageant in 1920 to the organised masterpieces of the late 1930s.