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Partial Closure of War in The Air Hangar Announced

Published on: 8 August 2020

Opening 12 September: new Battle of Britain displays at both our Museum sites will mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle and become part of our permanent galleries.

Prime Minister Winston Churchill summed up the thoughts of the nation as the Battle of Britain raged overhead, thanking the RAF, ‘Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few’. Explore the stories of the Few and the Many – men and women from across society and from around the world who came together to face a common enemy – through interactive displays and unique objects including aircraft that survived the Battle.

An artist's impression of what our new displays will look like
An artist’s impression of our new display at Cosford

While our Battle of Britain display is being installed at Cosford our War in the Air Hangar will be partially closed to the public from 17 August until 12 September.

An artist's impression of what our new displays will look like
An artist’s impression of our new display at Cosford.

We would like to apologise for the disappointment that this may cause some of our visitors but believe the end result will be well worth it.

– Find out what we are building in London.

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