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Secondary schools - resources to support a Museum visit


'Flying Colours' workshop - a pre-visit resource for teachers and a post-workshop Museum resource

Battle of Britain – highlights for a Key Stage 3/4 visit to the Museum

Ingenious Inventors

For over a century, the RAF has been at the forefront of aviation technology. The RAF Museum’s collections and stories show the rapid pace of development from the first powered flight by the Wright Brothers in 1903, to supersonic stealth aircraft made from advanced composite materials.

This Ingenious Inventors resource showcases inventors whose ideas have shaped the technology used by the RAF.

Exploring the Cold War

This Exploring the Cold War information and activity pack is designed to accompany learning about the Cold War. It is designed for use by upper Key Stage 3 pupils, but would also make a great introduction to the topic for GCSE History students.

The resource includes a glossary of key terms, information, reflection questions and learning activities to be used in the classroom or at home, along with activities to try during a visit to the RAF Museum.

Exploring the Cold War Teacher Pack

This Teacher Information and Answer Pack accompanies the ‘Exploring the Cold War’ resource for KS3/GCSE students. It contains a summarised history of the Cold War and answers to the questions asked in the student pack to help with marking.

Sketching at the Museum

The Museum is a great place to discover some amazing art and design, from paintings and sculpture to aircraft art, structures and camouflage. You can also get creative and do some sketching as part of your visit.

Design and Technology KS5

A Design and Technology resource for KS5 students to use at the Museum

KS4/5 Photography at the Museum

The Museum is a fantastic place to experiment with photography and hone your technical skills. This free downloadable resource contains guidance, activity ideas and inspiration for KS4/5 Art and Photography students.

Exploring Fiona Banner’s Aeroplane Alphabet

In 2023 the Museum acquired ‘The Bastard Word Studies’, a collection of 26 drawings by Fiona Banner that form an aeroplane alphabet. Explore Fiona Banner’s work with these activity and information packs, designed for use by Art and History of Art students at the Museum and in the classroom. They contain lots of talking points to inspire discussion and debate, alongside a range of creative activities to try out.

Fiona Banner KS3 Activity And Info Pack

Fiona Banner KS45 Activity And Info Pack

We have digital trails available which you can access with your phones. Interested in diversity in the RAF? Then check out our 'Follow my lead' trail. How about RAF careers? Take a look at our 'Silhouette trail' for some ideas.