Tickets for Feb Half Term Experiences now on sale
We are open daily from 10.00am

Whether you are looking to prepare your class for a visit, want to print off trails and worksheets for pupils to complete on the day, or are after ideas to extend the learning back in the classroom – it’s all here!

If you have something in mind that you would like to see here, please email We love developing new resources to make your visit even more special!

If you are able, please bring clipboards for pupils to lean on when completing these worksheets, and please avoid leaning on the Museum interpretation panels when using pens or pencils. Thank you

Inventors and Inventions

This Ingenious Inventors resource showcases inventors whose ideas have shaped the technology used by the RAF.

This Amazing Inventions trail highlights inventions and engineering solutions that were used by or developed by the RAF.

Word Mats

Younger pupils can make use of our word mats to help with spelling and vocabulary development. Choose from:

KS2 Dambusters History, Science and Maths Activity Pack for children

This information and activity pack is designed to be used by upper Key Stage 2 pupils (but can be adapted for use with all KS2). It can be used in the classroom as part of your preparations for a visit to the Museum, and in the Museum itself during a visit. Information and activities are centred around our new Bomber Command exhibition in Hangar 5.

KS2 Dambusters History, Science and Maths Teacher Pack

This Teacher Pack accompanies the KS2 Dambusters History, Science and Maths Activity Pack for children. It includes the Dambusters story and answers to all questions in the Activity Pack.

Hangar Trails
Second World War
The Wild Escape

In 2023, the Museum took part in The Wild Escape, a project led by ArtFund.

Discover some fascinating links between animal adaptations and the aircraft in our collection using our Wild Escape Biomimicry Sheet

Explore the wildlife around our Museum site or your local area using our Wild Escape Nature Hunt

Maths Trails

Add a bit of mathematical fun to your visit with our printable maths trails to be used in H3,4,5, available for Years 1-6.

Early Years trail and teacher notes

Year 1 trail and teacher notes

Year 2 trail and teacher notes

Year 3 trail and teacher notes

Year 4 trail and teacher notes

Year 5 trail and teacher notes

Year 6 trail and teacher notes

Early Years

If you're visiting the Museum with Nursery or Reception children, you may want to use our Early Years resource which has some fun ideas for your visit. Enjoy counting, finding and playing games!

Art and Design

The Museum is a great place to discover some amazing art and design, from paintings and sculpture to aircraft art and camouflage. You can also get creative and do some sketching as part of your visit.

KS2 Art and History Activity Pack for children

This activity pack is designed to be used by Key Stage 2 pupils during a visit to ‘To The Stars’ temporary art exhibition at the RAF Museum.
It includes:
• A short trail to find objects and stories around the Museum that link to the temporary exhibition
• Guidance for pupils to curate their own exhibition inspired by their visit.

In addition, the teacher pack can be adapted for use in the classroom or for home schooling.
It includes:
• Simple exercises for studying any artwork
• Guidance on using an artwork as a historical source 
• Follow up activities 


Biomimicry is design that is inspired by nature. The aviation industry has often looked to nature for inspiration and to help solve problems, from simply wanting to fly like birds to using cutting edge technology to help pilots see in the dark. Follow the digital trail and discover what animals, aircraft and the RAF have in common.

Sound trail

Our sound trail can be accessed using a mobile phone or tablet. Listen to the sounds and try to locate the objects around the hangars.